Ercé Plasturgie

is located in Athis de l’Orne . Our site is ISO 16949 certified.
We employ 70 people.
Our leading product is the gearbox housing for window-regulators.
We use injection molding machines ranging from 50 to 1 000 T and 3 gearbox housings assembly lines .
The main materials used are PP GF/POM / PBT.


Industrialization and production site.


Ercé S.r.o

Present in the Czech Republic since 1997 and located in Hranice. Our site is ISO 16949 AND ISO 14001 certified.
We employ  70 people.
Our leading products are fuel pump baseplates or emission-controls systems.
We use   injection molding machines ranging from 50 to 800 T and 3 flanges assembly lines.
The main materials used are PA66/POM .